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History of the Ragdoll

In the early '60s a woman in Riverside, California, by the name of Ann Baker created the RAGDOLL by breeding what was believed to be a white female Persian-type cat to a Seal Point Birman. One of the male offspring from this breeding was then bred to a female Burmese. This was the foundation for the Ragdoll.

The above paragraph states what most Ragdoll breeders believed were the beginnings of the Ragdoll for many years. However, more recent investigations lead us to believe that the Ragdoll's beginnings were somewhat different. The following is taken from the book The Definitive Guide To Ragdolls by Lorna Wallace, Robin Pickering and David Pollard, published by Ragdoll World UK.

At the time Ann had been borrowing one of Josephine's older sons to sire progeny in her Black Persian breeding programme. This son had the appearance of a Black/Brown Persian and she named him Blackie, and it was one of her visits to borrow him that she saw Blackie's brother. He appeared most impressive and in Ann's words had the appearance of a Sacred Cat of Burma, (The Birman Breed). Having already established the owner's trust, she was also permitted to borrow this cat to mate with her own females. She was most taken with this son of Josephine and named him Raggedy Ann Daddy Warbucks. What Ann clearly states is that Blackie and Daddy Warbucks are both sons of Josephine, but with different sires. In the IRCA booklet it would appear to indicate that Blackie's father was a black cat from the East, that appeared more Persian than Burmese. During detailed questioning, Ann confirmed that no-one had ever seen the father of Daddy Warbucks, and he was the only kitten in that particular litter of Joesphine's. This being so, makes it difficult to take the origins of the breed further.

The RAGDOLL was first recognized as a pure breed in 1965 by NCFA (now defunct). Following that achievement Ann did nothing to further the Ragdoll in the fancy. Fortunately, a new breeder husband and wife team bought a pair from Ann and realized the breed had to be shown and accepted by the various associations in the fancy. RAGDOLLS are accepted today in all associations. However, some Associations do not allow Ragdolls in certain patterns to compete.


The beauty of the RAGDOLL is only one of their many features. Their disposition and personality are what makes them a truly unique cat. They are quiet, playful, placid, relaxed and very loving. They make a wonderful house or apartment cat. Becuase they posses a non-fighting instinct, a RAGDOLL should never be left outside unattended. They can be easily leashed trained. RAGDOLLS are docile, large and affectionate and respond well to children and other pets. RAGDOLLS are slow to mature physically obtaining full maturity between 3 and 4 years of age. Altered adult males may reach 15 to 20 pounds, females will weigh about 5 pounds less. The RAGDOLL's fur is rabbit-like, medium long with little shedding. The RAGDOLL requires little or no routine grooming. All RAGDOLLS have beautiful blue eyes